Thursday, June 16, 2011


We walked to a friendly sports match on Wednesday.  It was over the bush and through the water Smile  The first water was below the knee but the last water was above the knee, especially for us short people!  The girls played net ball and won.  One of our girls got injured and we think she has a hamstring pull.  She was lucky there are 2 strong men – Travis and Jimmy – to carry her some of the way back.  They were also blessed that one of our friends in the village offered a macolo ride so they rode in the dug out canoe most of the way.  The rest of us walked the distance.  The boys played soccer and they ended in a 3 –3 draw.  They played great as usual.  The cheering squad on the side had a wonderful time dancing and chanting!  A fun time for all!!  Even the dogs (not Lydia as she stayed with her pups) escorted us and were with us the whole time. 

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