The beginning and end of each school term is celebrated in a special assembly. The day is opened with children singing songs of praise, prayer, the pledges and the national anthem.
Then the director prepares a special devotion. This time the scripture came from Genesis 2:2 “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing, so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” He had 3 children hold jugs of water straight out in front of them and very soon they were tired and needed rest. So, with this holiday, they should rest but not forget what they have learned. Then they should come back next month rested and ready to work hard for it is a season of learning for them.
Then each name was called by Lorna and one by one they received there school report while the others cheered for their accomplishments.
All filed back into class to be dismissed by each teacher and a day of play began.
We are thankful for the teachers and we are thankful for the parents that bring their children to Zion Mission School. We are blessed to be able to provide a Christian education and teach the Bible, Character Traits of Christ and pray. If each one can only reach one… Now we have just over 100 children attending the Mission School and more parents want to send their children but space is an issue. God will provide.
The children have been using the bathrooms inside of the children’s home which is a bit away from the school. Also, they must pass by the children’s bedrooms which can be a temptation and it drags in a lot of sand/dirt and it is almost impossible to keep the toilets clean. Now, we have new bathrooms, specifically for the school children, under construction near the school. Thank God for things that seem small but are really big!
Didn’t I tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God? John 11:40
Everything is possible to the one who believes. Mark 9:23
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